Wednesday 23 January 2013


Easy Computer Pranks 

funny, and easy way to annoy your friends and family members (harmlessly) . This one is a simple batch file  that makes a message box pop up that says anything you want. The trick: no matter how many times you click OK, the message will never go away! Have fun!

                                             ONE METHOD
STEP-1 Open notepad ( Start > All Programs > Accesories > Notepad)
STEP-2 Copy and paste these lines into Notepad:

                @echo off
                   msg * Insert your message here
                   goto top

STEP-3  save it with ' .bat ' extension.

             delete " insert your message here " and replace it with your own message! 



                                        SECOND METHOD

STEP-1 Open notepad ( Start > All Programs > Accesories > Notepad) 

STEP-2 Copy and paste these lines into Notepad: 

                       msgbox " Insert your message here"

STEP-3  save it with ' .vbs ' extension.            

delete " insert your message here " and replace it with your own message! 

".bat" stand for batch file.
".vbs" stand for visual basic script.


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