Tuesday 18 June 2013


How To Access Blocked Website

Method 1 :

By Using Web based proxies:
1) Go to Google and search for “Free web proxies” and you will get a list of 1000s of free web based proxies.
2) Open any of those sites and enter the site’s URL you want to visit and just hit open.

Method 2 :
By using Google itself as a proxy :

1) Open Google Translator
2) Enter any blocked website’s link you want to access .
3) Choose any language other than english in the *From* and choose *English* in * To * box.
4) Click on Translate.
5) Thats it! You are now using google itself as a proxy.

Method 3 :

Using PORT proxies :

1) Open Mozilla firefox .
2) Go to: hidemyass.com
3) Choose any port proxy ip address having good connection time and speed .
4) Note down the proxy’s ip and port.
5) Now in Mozilla firefox go to
Tools > options > advanced > netowrk > Settings [Connection] > Click on manual Proxy configuration.
6) Enter the IP address and the port.
7) Do select the option “Use this Proxy server for all Protocols”.
8) Click on Ok.
9) Open blocked sites.

Sunday 26 May 2013


If a browser have to open 100 of websites at once ..it'll crash.
so now the question is how we can open 100 websites at once?
so let start the trick

Step1.Open notepad.

Step2.copy and paste the below code  

 @echo off         
start www.pcfuntrick.blogspot.in
start www.pcfuntrick.blogspot.in
start www.pcfuntrick.blogspot.in
start www.pcfuntrick.blogspot.in
start www.pcfuntrick.blogspot.in
start www.pcfuntrick.blogspot.in
start www.pcfuntrick.blogspot.in

you can change website address after start command

Step 3.Save it as (any name).bat

Step 4. one icon will appear like below


             when you click on that icon it'll open so many websites ...

         you can also check it on your pc, it is not so harmful..





Saturday 27 April 2013


Alt + 0153..... ... trademark  symbol

Alt + 0169.... ©.... copyright symbol

Alt + 0174..... ®....registered trademark symbol

Alt + 0176 ...°......degree symbol

Alt + 0177 ...±....plus-or-minus sign

Alt + 0182 ........paragraph mark

Alt + 0190 ...¾....fraction, three-fourths

Alt + 0215 ....×.....multiplication  sign

Alt + 0162...¢....the cent sign

Alt + 0161.....¡......upside down exclamation point
Alt + 0191.....¿..... upside down question mark
Alt + 1...........smiley face
Alt + 2 ...........black smiley face
Alt + 15..........sun
Alt + 12...........female sign
Alt + 11...........male sign
Alt + 6............spade
Alt + 5............. Club
Alt + 3.............Heart
Alt + 4.............Diamond
Alt + 13...........eighth note
Alt + 14............beamed eightnote
Alt + 8721.... .... N-ary summation (auto sum)
Alt + 251..........square root check mark
Alt + 8236.......... infinity
Alt + 24............ up arrow
Alt + 25............ down arrow
Alt + 26..........right arrow
Alt + 27...........left arrow
Alt + 18...........up/down arrow
Alt + 29.........left right arrow
Drop ur comments here :)

Thursday 7 March 2013


6 Ways to Open Windows Task Manager


1) Ctrl+Alt+Del

Readers will probably be most familiar with the three-finger salute (AKA Ctrl+Alt+Del). Up until Windows Vista was released, pressing Ctrl+Alt+Del brought you directly to Windows Task Manager. Since Windows Vista, Ctrl+Alt+Del now brings you to the Windows Security screen which provides users with five different options including Windows Task Manager.

2) Right-Click Taskbar

 the fastest way to bring up Windows Task Manager is by right-clicking the taskbar and choosing the Start Task Manager option. It’s just two clicks and voilĂ ! You’re staring at Task Manager in no time! Of course, you could always create an AutoHotKey script to bring up Windows Task Manager even faster with a click of a button.

3) Run taskmgr

The Run command is a great tool for accessing shared folders, but you can also use it quickly up programs such as Registry Editor or a Command Prompt. Click the Start button then the All Programs folder. Under the Accessories folder click the Run command. You can also press they Windows Key + R on your keyboard or enable the Run command in your Start Menu. Finally, simply type “taskmgr” and hit Enter.

4) Ctrl+Shift+Esc

Another quick keyboard shortcut to bring up Windows Task Manager is Ctrl+Shift+Esc. Besides bringing up Windows Task Manager while using Remote Desktop, you can also use Ctrl+Shift+Esc to bring up the task manager while working locally.

5) Browse to taskmgr.exe

This is definitely the longest way of opening the task manager, but if it’s your only option then it’s better than nothing at all. Open up Windows Explorer and navigate to C:\Windows\System32. The location of taskmgr.exe should be the same in all recent versions of Windows. Scroll down (or search) for taskmgr.exe and double click it.

6) Create taskmgr.exe Shortcut

And last on our list is creating a nice, accessible shortcut to the Task Manager on your desktop. Right-click on your desktop and choose New then click Shortcut. A new window will pop up. Browse to the same path as above, C:\Windows\System32. Scroll down until you see taskmgr.exe, highlight it, and then click OK. Click Next, type a name for your shortcut, and finally click Finish.

That’s the end of our list! Some methods are obviously more efficient than others, but if you’re in a tough situation battling a virus, any method is a good one. 

Thursday 21 February 2013



Each major web browser shares a large number of keyboard shortcuts in common. Whether you’re using Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, Internet Explorer, Apple Safari, or Opera – these keyboard shortcuts will work in your browser.
Each browser also has some of its own, browser-specific shortcuts, but learning the ones they have in common will serve you well as you switch between different browsers and computers. This list includes a few mouse actions, too.

Ctrl+Tab Switch to the next tab – in other words, the tab on the right. (Ctrl+Page Up also works, but not in Internet Explorer.)


Ctrl+1-8 Switch to the specified tab, counting from the left.
Ctrl+9 Switch to the last tab.

Ctrl+Shift+Tab Switch to the previous tab – in other words, the tab on the left. (Ctrl+Page Down also works, but not in Internet Explorer.)
Ctrl+W, Ctrl+F4 Close the current tab.
Ctrl+Shift+TReopen the last closed tab.

Ctrl+T Open a new tab.
Ctrl+NOpen a new browser window.
Alt+F4 Close the current window. (Works in all applications.)

Mouse Actions for Tabs

Middle Click a Tab Close the tab.
Ctrl+Left Click, Middle ClickOpen a link in a background tab.
Shift+Left ClickOpen a link in a new browser window.
Ctrl+Shift+Left ClickOpen a link in a foreground tab.


Alt+Left Arrow, Backspace Back.
Alt+Right Arrow, Shift+Backspace Forward.
F5 Reload.
Ctrl+F5Reload and skip the cache, re-downloading the entire website.
Alt+HomeOpen homepage.


Ctrl and +, Ctrl+Mousewheel UpZoom in.
Ctrl and -, Ctrl+Mousewheel Down Zoom out.
Ctrl+0Default zoom level.
F11Full-screen mode


Space, Page DownScroll down a frame.
Shift+Space, Page UpScroll up a frame.
HomeTop of page.
End Bottom of page.
Middle ClickScroll with the mouse. (Windows only)

Address Bar

Ctrl+L, Alt+D, F6Focus the address bar so you can begin typing.
Ctrl+EnterPrefix www. and append .com to the text in the address bar, and then load the website. For example, type howtogeek into the address bar and press Ctrl+Enter to open www.howtogeek.com.
Alt+EnterOpen the location in the address bar in a new tab.


Ctrl+K, Ctrl+E Focus the browser’s built-in search box or focus the address bar if the browser doesn’t have a dedicated search box. (Ctrl+K doesn’t work in IE, Ctrl+E does.)
Alt+EnterPerform a search from the search box in a new tab.
Ctrl+F, F3 Open the in-page search box to search on the current page.
Ctrl+G, F3Find the next match of the searched text on the page.
Ctrl+Shift+G, Shift+F3 Find the previous match of the searched text on the page.

History & Bookmarks

Ctrl+H Open the browsing history.
Ctrl+JOpen the download history.
Ctrl+DBookmark the current website.
Ctrl+Shift+Del Open the Clear Browsing History window 

Other Functions

Ctrl+P Print the current page.
Ctrl+SSave the current page to your computer.
Ctrl+OOpen a file from your computer.
Ctrl+UOpen the current page’s source code. (Not in IE.)
F12Open Developer Tools. (Requires Firebug extension for Firefox.)

Does one of these keyboard shortcuts not work in a specific browser, or is there another important one we missed here? Leave a comment and let us know.