Thursday, 21 February 2013



Each major web browser shares a large number of keyboard shortcuts in common. Whether you’re using Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, Internet Explorer, Apple Safari, or Opera – these keyboard shortcuts will work in your browser.
Each browser also has some of its own, browser-specific shortcuts, but learning the ones they have in common will serve you well as you switch between different browsers and computers. This list includes a few mouse actions, too.

Ctrl+Tab Switch to the next tab – in other words, the tab on the right. (Ctrl+Page Up also works, but not in Internet Explorer.)


Ctrl+1-8 Switch to the specified tab, counting from the left.
Ctrl+9 Switch to the last tab.

Ctrl+Shift+Tab Switch to the previous tab – in other words, the tab on the left. (Ctrl+Page Down also works, but not in Internet Explorer.)
Ctrl+W, Ctrl+F4 Close the current tab.
Ctrl+Shift+TReopen the last closed tab.

Ctrl+T Open a new tab.
Ctrl+NOpen a new browser window.
Alt+F4 Close the current window. (Works in all applications.)

Mouse Actions for Tabs

Middle Click a Tab Close the tab.
Ctrl+Left Click, Middle ClickOpen a link in a background tab.
Shift+Left ClickOpen a link in a new browser window.
Ctrl+Shift+Left ClickOpen a link in a foreground tab.


Alt+Left Arrow, Backspace Back.
Alt+Right Arrow, Shift+Backspace Forward.
F5 Reload.
Ctrl+F5Reload and skip the cache, re-downloading the entire website.
Alt+HomeOpen homepage.


Ctrl and +, Ctrl+Mousewheel UpZoom in.
Ctrl and -, Ctrl+Mousewheel Down Zoom out.
Ctrl+0Default zoom level.
F11Full-screen mode


Space, Page DownScroll down a frame.
Shift+Space, Page UpScroll up a frame.
HomeTop of page.
End Bottom of page.
Middle ClickScroll with the mouse. (Windows only)

Address Bar

Ctrl+L, Alt+D, F6Focus the address bar so you can begin typing.
Ctrl+EnterPrefix www. and append .com to the text in the address bar, and then load the website. For example, type howtogeek into the address bar and press Ctrl+Enter to open
Alt+EnterOpen the location in the address bar in a new tab.


Ctrl+K, Ctrl+E Focus the browser’s built-in search box or focus the address bar if the browser doesn’t have a dedicated search box. (Ctrl+K doesn’t work in IE, Ctrl+E does.)
Alt+EnterPerform a search from the search box in a new tab.
Ctrl+F, F3 Open the in-page search box to search on the current page.
Ctrl+G, F3Find the next match of the searched text on the page.
Ctrl+Shift+G, Shift+F3 Find the previous match of the searched text on the page.

History & Bookmarks

Ctrl+H Open the browsing history.
Ctrl+JOpen the download history.
Ctrl+DBookmark the current website.
Ctrl+Shift+Del Open the Clear Browsing History window 

Other Functions

Ctrl+P Print the current page.
Ctrl+SSave the current page to your computer.
Ctrl+OOpen a file from your computer.
Ctrl+UOpen the current page’s source code. (Not in IE.)
F12Open Developer Tools. (Requires Firebug extension for Firefox.)

Does one of these keyboard shortcuts not work in a specific browser, or is there another important one we missed here? Leave a comment and let us know.